October 4, 2010

A taste of what might have been

When dealing with the gluten-free gushers, I had the forethought to set one bottle aside in the fridge, to see if I could pull something drinkable out of it without tasting just the sediment.

Apparently I should have done that with all of them. Pulled it out Sunday, and no gushing was to be seen.

What did pour out was a lovely light brown ale. The taste still needs some work, but the color was great!

Lookit those pretty hues.

The taste met Mrs. Wife's approval, with caviots -- it still has a long way to go, but was at least on par with many of the gluten-free beers she's tried. So, I may be on to something.

Next will be another attempt, hopefully with less fail involved. I'll let you all know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. I would say it was even more drinkable than some of the store-bought GF beers I've tried. There was a lot of bitter in there, but I liked the flavor overall. This is a pretty great first try.
