September 29, 2010

Well. That could have gone better.

The gluten-free experiment seems to have become a series of gushers.

Pried one open this evening to see how they were coming along and found myself wiping up a good part of the kitchen floor. Tried another over the sink for the same result.

The culprit? Not entirely sure. Willing to assume I screwed up the priming sugar for the half batch, though all I did was use as even of a half of the bag of corn sugar as I could. There is also a ridiculous amount of sediment in there, even for not being put in a secondary fermentor, which I've noticed appears to be a common thread in many gushers.

The bottom of the bottle somewhat disguises it, but trust me -- it's not the prettiest beer ever.
The taste, as at bottling, reminded me some of bitter apple. But nothing tastes off like I'd expect an infection to taste, which either speaks to my lack of experience or points to the priming-sugar theory.

Either way, I guess tomorrow morning will now be devoted to figuring out if there's a way to save this stuff while avoiding eventual bottle bombs. Still have all the ingredients I used the first time round, so maybe I'll just try another batch and see how it goes.

Pour it without the sediment, and it actually doesn't look bad. Plus, bubbles!
UPDATE: On further reflection this morning, I'm wondering if the culprit was a stuck or incomplete fermentation. A couple of steps of this batch were a little more rushed than others, and my notebook shows I skipped at least one set of measurements. A lesson there.

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