June 4, 2011

Tasting Room: Travel edition: Sun King cream ale

Greetings from Indianapolis!

Here I was, thinking, "Boy, Android really needs a Blogger app." Then I learned it has one. So, you get a beer review.

Specifically, Sun King's Sunlight.

I dropped by a tasting room for another Indiana brewery last night. But Sun King, actually brewed in Indianapolis itself, I hadn't time to go see - until I saw some sold in the airport while awaiting my flight.

Sunlight, a cream ale, is everything I had hoped for after a day wandering the streets in 90-degree heat. It's quite exemplary of the style I've had thus far - thin, refreshing, bright, with a nice sweetness to it. I certainly can't argue with the name - it embodies the beer perfectly.

Sunlight is billed as "the most accessible" of Sun King's beers. And there's certainly nothing unique about it that seems like an Indiana touch. That's held true for the other beers I've had here as well. But if Sunlight is a good example of what the state outs out, its beer fans are still in good hands.

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